Abstract Submission 26th Research Days

ALL POST-GRADUATES (PG0 and PG1) and Residents of the Department have a mandatory presence and participation during every event, in three forms: Paper, Fast Paper or Poster.

ALL the Fellow, PIBIC students, medical student, technologists and collaborators of the Department are invited to contribute and enrich this important and traditional scientific event of the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences with presentation of poster.

Official language of the event: English.

The Scientific Program Committee reserves the right to select few abstracts for oral presentations (presentations must be in English).

All papers will be discussed and discussed!

Category Type of Work
Structured Studies Oral presentation, in English, of scientific work
Studies in Progress Scientific work
R1 Scientific work, or series of cases
R2 Scientific work
R3 Scientific work
R4 Scientific work
Fellow Scientific work, or series of cases
PIBIC Scientific work, or series of cases
Medical student Scientific work, or series of cases
Other participants Scientific work, or series of case


  • Research approval by the Human or Animal Research Ethical Committee MUST be indicated (process number)
  • Abstract body (including title, authors, affiliation and financial support information) should NOT exceed 2445 characters (including spaces).
  • Do not include tables or figures. 
  • The text cannot contain accent marks or mathematical symbols
  • Financial support at the end of the abstract.

DEADLINE: 01/10/2023





Attention: This section should not exceed 2445 characters. Please, note the counter below. If the value is negative, summarize the contents of the abstract to post the form.

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